Goblin-town or Orchost[1] (Sindarin for Orc-fort) is an area within the Misty Mountains, in the northeastern region.
This underground "kingdom of the goblins" is a sprawling labyrinth of caverns, tunnels, and deep pits which ultimately lead to the throne room of the latest goblin-king. Tales tell of a mysterious cave that even goblins avoid. Remnants of dwarven work reminds of ancient times when this was the High Hold of Zudrâligal[2]. Booming drums rallying goblins for upcoming raids mingle with and faint cries from unfortunate prisoners and the constant chatter of upbeat goblins. Though recently Orcs set up camp, charged by Angmar to negotiate an alliance against the Free Peoples.
Throughout the caverns a plentiful mix of goblins, wargs, cave-trolls, and Orcs fiercely defends their "kingdom". At every level of this three-dimensional maze, and behind every corner new threats await the brave adventurers who dare explore their home. Topping that are stealth goblin soldiers attacking from behind.
2. West (left) into tunnel and continue due west.
2. South (right) then up a ramp and through a room.
(A Missing Scout)
2. Cross bridge east (right).
3. Follow path east into tunnel, turn right (east) at 3-way intersection.
4. Make the first right (east) into another tunnel, then right (east) again to the entrance to the Slave Pens.
2. Quick turn north (left) then east (right) across bridge.
(Rumours of the North, Dagal for Leaders of the Deep, Farmak for Leaders of the Deep on the way)
2. Cross bridge east (right) and into tunnel.
3. At T, turn west (left), cross bridge northwest over room, into tunnel.
4. Take first turn west (right). Either way after this point will lead to the Warsteads.
2. Quick turn north (left) then east (right) across bridge.
(Pike for Stirring Up Trouble, Farmak for Leaders of the Deep on the way)
2. Up stairs on west (left) then east across bridge and into tunnel.
3. East (right) at T.
2. Down one more ramp, north and slightly west through large room, cross zone line.
3. Up stairs on west (left) then east across bridge and into tunnel.
4. East (right) at T.
(Drum-keepers, Farmak for Leaders of the Deep on the way)
2. North and slightly west through room and down stairs.
3. Through tunnel north and take first tunnel west (left).
4. Follow tunnel and take first branch west.
5. Take first right (west) then right again to enter Thundergrot.
2. Down one more ramp, north and slightly west through large room, cross zone line.
3. North and slightly west through room and down stairs.
4. Through tunnel north and take first tunnel west (left).
5. Follow tunnel and take first branch west.
(Zagh for Leaders of the Deep on the way)
2. North and slightly west through room and down stairs.
3. Through tunnel north, straight through room, cross zone line.
4. North through room and down stairs. Matuga for Matuga and the Jailor's Key is here. Zagh also wanders nearby
5. North through two rooms to Den entrance.
2. Down one more ramp, north and slightly west through large room, cross zone line.
3. North and slightly west through room and down stairs.
4. Through tunnel north, straight through room, cross zone line.
5. North through room and down stairs.
6. North through two rooms to Den entrance.
(The Undiscovered Path)
2. North and slightly west through room and down stairs.
3. Through tunnel north, straight through room, cross zone line.
4. North through room, then take tunnel in northeast corner of second room.
5. Turn south (right) at 4-way intersection.
2. Down one more ramp, north and slightly west through large room, cross zone line.
3. North and slightly west through room and down stairs.
4. Through tunnel north, straight through room, cross zone line.
5. North through room, then take tunnel in northeast corner of second room.
6. Turn south (right) at 4-way intersection.