My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Friendship Games (2024)

by Hopeful Soul

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Soon enough, it was the day the Friendship Games would begin and the two schools would go head to head. Tensions were high, bets were being made and at this point it was anyone’s guess who could win this time and not just assume that the Shadowbolts would win, as usual.

At the moment, the Wondercolts new team were all getting ready in the change room and were each holding in their excitement. Rainbow then turned to all of them.

“So, everybody ready?” Rainbow inquired. Everybody nodded in response.

“Ready steady, Eddy!” Pinkie saluted sounding chipper.

“My name’s not Eddy, Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said, deadpan, before she realized what she doing. “Oh great, now you got medoing it!”

“Come on, we’d better get to the field before this turns into a crime of rhyme.” Applejack smirked. The others laughed a bit as they all began to leave the change room.

“Ha-ha-ha, funny…” Rainbow muttered.

“That’s what wesaid!” Pinkie smiled as they left.

As they walked down the hall toward the field, time seemed to slow down for them, they were finally gonna compete in the Friendship Games, for the first time since they became freshman and they promised themselves that they would break Canterlot High’s losing streak no matter how hard it may be…

“Well, we’re here.” Rainbow Dash declared after they stepped out of the school.

They all gazed around and stared in awe at the field in front of them all, their were three sections of it, each for one of the three events that they would be competing in, all looking very advanced and challenging as well as two stands where students from both schools could watch the fun.

On the Shadowbolts side of the stands, their were several other students all wearing Crystal Prep uniforms and looking very snobby, among them were students named Trenderhoof, Jet Set, Upper Crust, Neon Lights and Fleur Dis Lee.

On the home team’s side, AKA the Wondercolts, their were many of the Humane Six’s friends seated like Flash and the Crusaders plus girls named Lyra and Bon-Bon as well.

The Wondercolts team gazed around in awe and smiled all the equipment that was set up for them.

“Wow! This puts the ‘awe’ in awesome!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“No kidding, it practically burieswhat we’re used to…” Applejack remarked.

“Aw, relax we’ll be fine!” Rainbow assured her. “Remember; we all practiced for this hard.”

“Yeah, this year we willbeat the Shadowbolts, no doubt about it.” Sunset nodded, confidently.

“Speaking of which, where in the world arethey?” Rarity pointed out. They looked around and noticed the Shadowbolts team, as well as Sci-Twi, were not currently present.

“Beats me.” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

“Boy howdy… it’s like they up and disappeared…” Applejack remarked. “But why? They’ve neverbeen late to a game before…”

“Until now…” Rainbow corrected.

Just then, they noticed Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna and Principal Sombra taking their seats on top of a tall stand overlooking the field.

“Good afternoon everyone.” Vice Principal Luna said, her voice echoing due to the microphone. “And welcome to this year’s latest, and possibly greatest, Friendship Games competition!”

The crowd cheered.

“As everyone knows, this will be a best out of three competition, the first team to gain two wins for they’re team will claim victory with third acting as a tie breaker should the need arise.” Principal Celestia explained to them.

“And joining us here is one of the leaders of Crystal Prep; Principal Sombra.” Luna added, gesturing to the dark haired Principal beside them, whose gaze made everyone silent.

“Greetings Canterlot High, so nice to see you all again and I wish you all the best of luck in the games,” he told them before muttering to himself. “Even though the outcome is painfullyobvious.”

“Thank you Principal Sombra for those kind words.” Celestia said, oblivious to what he was reallythinking.

“Your welcome. I must say Principal Celestia, your new Wondercolts team is looking quite formidable today.” Principal Sombra remarked, impressed.

“Thank you, Principal Sombra.” Celestia nodded. “Although I have to ask you… where is your team the Shadowbolts?”

“Oh, they’re around…” Sombra assured her, smiling.

“And… will they be here?” Vice Principal Luna questioned.

“Oh yes, very soon.” Principal Sombra nodded.

Everyone waited for a minute but still the Shadowbolts had not yet shown up.

“Guess they chickened out.” Rainbow Dash suggested, confidently. They then heard cheering coming from the Shadowbolts side of the field. “Or not…”

The girls then noticed a few figures coming out and approaching the field.

“Here they come.” Sunset Shimmer observed, seriously. They all narrowed their eyes when they saw Sour Sweet leading the charge.

“Yep, here comes trouble.” Rainbow Dash muttered.

As the Shadowbolts got closer, everyone could see them all more clearly and quickly identified Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare and of course… Twilight Sparkle. But to everyone’s surprise they saw that too of their members were not their. Some let out surprised gasps and gained confused looks on their faces, including Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

“What’s this? It seems that the Shadowbolts have arrived to the games with two members of their team missing.” Luna observed, a bit troubled and surprised just like everyone else.

“Hey… where’s Sugarcoat and what’s-her-name?” Rainbow wondered.

“Indigo Zap.” Sunset Shimmer corrected.

“Whatever.” Rainbow Dash said, uncaring. “Anyway, they’re not here!”

“But Twilight is…” Fluttershy noted, concerned.

“I got a bad feeling about this…” Applejack said, grimly.

Principal Celestia got their attention. “Um, excuse me girls, sorry to interrupt but we see that you are missing two of your teammates,” she said.

“We’re aware.” Sour Sweet stated.

“Is it going to be a problem? Because you can get replacements if you’d like.” Luna added. Everyone looked at the Shadowbolts expectantly, who just smiled smug little smiles.

“It’s not a problem, listen closely.” Lemon Zest told them all, as she held up two fingers. “After twoevents, I promise you all; the games… will already be at an end.”

“Yeah, that’s just how it is.” Sunny Flare added, smugly.

Most of the folks sitting in the stands were a bit angered by their arrogance and glared at them, especially the Wondercolts.

“Ugh, loudmouths.” Rarity muttered under her breath.

“Only two events, huh?” Rainbow called out. “That’s just what Iwas gonna say to youclowns!”

“Then I guess it’s on!” Sour Sweet declared.

“Oh, it’s been on!” Rainbow shot back as they and the rest of their teams faced each other and glared, fiercely. Ready to begin the Friendship Games.

“Now, now, ladies…” someone said. They all turned and noticed Chrysalis approaching. “Let’s not get nasty, at least not yet…”

“Yes, ma’am.” The Shadowbolts nodded.

“Thank you,” she nodded before acknowledging the Humane Six. “Wondercolts.”

Chrysalis then turned and began to walk away while the Shadowbolts huffed, turned and went over to their side of the field. Leaving the Wondercolts, baffled.

“Who was that?” Sunset questioned.

“That’s their Vice Principal; Chrysalis.” Rainbow scowled. “She’s just as creepy as Principal Sombra.”

“That means trouble… especially for us.” Rarity stated. “You know I think they once visited the morguetogether.”

“What? Like on a date? Or did someone they know… you know…” Sunset started to say, but was reluctant to say any more.

“No, they both just like looking at… ehh… dead bodies…” Fluttershy said, before shuddering.

“Gee, what a fun couple…” Sunset remarked, flatly.

“Not really…” Rainbow added, folding their arms.

“Alright ya’ll, stay focused, we can’t beat these guys if were all wound up like this.” Applejack said.

“She’s right, remember the breathing exercises.” Fluttershy reminded them, gently.

“Right, like a bunch of dumb breathing exercises are gonna help you clowns beat us.” Lemon Zest scoffed.

Rainbow growled at them angrily, then saw Fluttershy giving her a look and took a deep breath which she exhaled. Then she began to do it more then once, over and over.

“What are you doing?” Lemon Zest questioned.

“Trying the breathing exercises… just to let you know; it’s not working!” Rainbow Dash hissed, gritting her teeth and making the Shadowbolts lean back in fear.

“If you two are finished…” Luna told them, annoyed. Rainbow and Lemon quickly turn away from each other with a huff. “Thank you. Celestia, if you please.”

Principal Celestia nodded and turned her attention to the crowd. “Good afternoon everyone, first let me start off by saying how pleased to see you all here at the Friendship Games, as well as a warm welcome to the Principal and Vice Principal of Crystal Prep; Sombra and Chrysalis.”

“Thank you, Celestia.” Principal Sombra nodded.

“And would like to wish allof your students the best of luck, they’ll need it.” Chrysalis said, somewhat evilly which disturbed Celestia and Luna greatly.

“Thank… you…” Luna responded, slowly.

“And now… let the Friendship Games begin!” Vice Principal Luna exclaimed. The crowd cheered in response.

“The first event; Roller Derby. You all know the rules, first time before the timer runs out is the winner and the leaders are… Pinkie Pie and Rarity for the Wondercolts and Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest for the Shadowbolts.” Principal Celestia declared. “So team’s; take your positions at the starting line.”

“That’s us!” Pinkie chirped.

“Indeed. Let’s go.” Rarity nodded.

“Be careful out there girls, don’t forget; this Shadowbolts like to play rough.” Sunset advised them.

“Understood.” Rarity nodded.

“Don’t worry!” Pinkie assured her as she put on her helmet and gave her a thumbs up. “We got this!”

“Good, now go!” Rainbow told them. They both saluted and rolled towards the rink along with Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare.

“Now… assisting Miss Pinkie Pie and Rarity as their blockers are… Derpy, Sunflower and Babs Seed.” Vice Principal Luna announced.

The muffin loving girl plus the chick with the Brooklyn accent and her sister all came rolling out to join Rarity and Pinkie Pie

“And the blockers for the Shadowbolts; Gilda, Suri Polomare and… Starlight Glimmer!” Principal Celestia added.

The Wondercolts all bugged out when they heard that last name, and then… as if on cue, Vinyl at the music stand purposely scratched the needle to create the appropriate sound.

“Nice touch.” Pinkie Pie commented. Vinyl smiled in response. Just then, they noticed three other girls rolling on out.

One had grayish-white skin, yellow eyes and white hair with pink tips, a brown cut with a purple shirt and dark shorts plus yellow gloves. Another had curly purple hair like Rarity’s only fancier, brown eyes, pinkish skin and wore a white shirt with a light blue skirt and light blue cloth wrapped around her neck and the third girl looked a bit like Twilight but had a green streak of hair instead of pink in a ponytail and was dressed in black and pink. She was the one that freaked the Rainboom’s out the most and they all gulped as soon as they saw her.

“Oh no! There’s the realStarlight Glimmer!” Rainbow gasped.

Pinkie yelped. “That means Twilight’s onto us!”

“Unfortunately… yes.” Sunset confirmed, with a feeling of dread.

“What do we do?” Fluttershy wondered, worried.

“We do what we do best!” Applejack stated.

“Uh… panic?” Fluttershy guessed.

“That’s your answer for everything.” Rainbow Dash told her, annoyed.

“I mean we improvise.” Applejack finished, firmly.

“Oh, yes, that’s better…” Fluttershy agreed.

“First, we got to just act natural.” Sunset Shimmer instructed. “If we do that, then we should be alright.”

The others the noticed Twilight glaring at them and gulped. “Uh… kinda hard to do when a certain someone’s giving you the stink eye.”

Everyone turned and noticed Twilight giving them a cold glare that quickly made them all uncomfortable.

“Yeah… I see your point…” Sunset Shimmer admitted.

“Now, is everybody ready?” Principal Sombra asked. Both teams nod in confirmation.

“On your marks…” Then Principal Celestia began.

As they prepared to go, Sunny Flare looked backwards and spotted something flashing briefly behind her. This seemed to please her greatly.

“Get set…” Vice Principal Luna continued.

Pinkie and Rarity glare at the Shadowbolts before turning their attentions back to what was up in front of them. Their friends looked at them worried while the rest of the Shadowbolts smiled smugly. Human Twilight just adjusted her glasses.

“GO!” The Canterlot High leaders cried.

And with that, both teams started blading down the outdoor rink at top speed with both sets of blockers trying to do their job and both of the jammers trying their best to get around the aforementioned blockers trying to prevent them each from getting a point.

Eventually Pinkie hopped high over Sunny Flare and the rest of their blockers and managed to score the first point. The Wondercolts cheered.

“Yes! First point!” Rainbow smiled.

“Nice going!” Lemon Zest called out to Sunny, displeased.

“Hey, I’m doing the best I can here!” Sunny Flare shot back.

“Well, it’s not good enough!” Lemon told her, firmly. “Now try harder!”

“I am sotelling Sombra and Chrysalis about this!” Sunny stated, crossed.

Pinkie rolled up to Rarity to speak to her. “Boy, they sure don’t seem to get along, huh?” she remarked.

“Yes… and perhaps we can usethat!” Rarity smiled.

“Use it how?” Pinkie inquired.

“Just you watch.” Rarity said, with a little smile. “Oh Lemon Zest!”

Her sing-song voice managed to get the perfectionist’s attention. “Huh?” she asked, turning to her.

“Hard to find good help isn’t it, why I bet you could do this all by yourself.” Rarity said.

Lemon Zest’s eyes narrowed, this had clicked in her brain. “So true it hurts…” she admitted.

“Hey Sunny Flare! Lemon Zest thinks your dumb!” Pinkie Pie sang.

“What!?” Sunny exclaimed. “Why that little…!”

“Incoming!” Someone shouted.

“Huh?” Lemon and Sunny both said before they noticed that two of the Rainboom’s blockers had made a chain with their arms, causing them both the flip right onto their backs. Everybody watching winced at this.

“That sure looked like it hurt!” Rainbow Dash commented, before quickly changing her tune. “Awesome!”

“Rainbow, I worry about you.” Applejack confessed.

Back on the track, while Rarity and Pinkie tried to deal with and sometimes pass by the blockers, getting more points for their team, Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest continued to fight amongst themselves.

“You know, you’d get a lot more results if you didn’t criticizeeveryone all the time!” Sunny Flare told her teammate.

“What do you want? A handout? A friendly hug? Because youaren’t getting one.” Lemon Zest huffed.

“Yeah? Well how about I give you a knuckle sandwich, you bossy little…” Sunny began to say.

“Language ladies!” Luna warned them, using the mic.

“Yeah! Children are reading this!” Pinkie added.

“Huh?” Everyone said at the exact same time.

“Never mind.” Pinkie Pie said, smiling before strolling on ahead.

Nearby, on the sidelines, the other Shadowbolts were watching Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare arguing and Sci-Twi was nothappy.

“What are they doing!?” Twilight questioned. “Snap out of it you two! You have to stay focused! We can’t lose!”

Sunny Flare turned to Lemon Zest. “She’s right LZ, that’s Wonderdolts, they’rethe ones doing this to us.”

“Indeed… and they’re gonna pay!” Lemon stated as they both began to roll even faster.

They soon caught up to Rarity, Pinkie, Derpy and the other blocks and began to discreetly hit each of them hard and knock them all away easily, allowing them to get points for they’re teams. Only Rainbow Dash seemed to see what they were doing.

“Hey! They’re using illegal body blows!” Rainbow Dash realized.

“Really? I didn’t see anything…” Sunset said, looking close and narrowing her eyes.

“I knowwhat I saw!” Rainbow insisted.

“Well they’re certainly hiding it well…” Applejack observed.

Lemon Zest tried to strike Pinkie again, but before she could Pinkie Pie suddenly zipped down and seemingly vanished from sight.

“Hey! Where’d she…” Lemon Zest began before she noticed Pinkie up ahead of them, waving and smiling before zipping off.

The Shadowbolts jaws dropped, along with the Wondercolts.

“Hey! How did she…?” Sunny asked baffled, as she continued to stare at Pinkie, not noticing Rarity appearing next to her.

“Don’t ask, trust me it’s a lost cause,” she informed her before knocking her back.

Rarity then narrowed her eyes and began to spot key routes along the track. “Aha! Excellent!” she smiled.

The fashionista then began to roll even faster while maneuvering around each of the Shadowbolts blockers before finally getting to Sunny Flare and knocking her back, allowing Pinkie to get another point for the Wondercolts. Their classmates all cheered.

“Way to go Rarity!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

That’susing your attention to detail!” Applejack added, proudly. The Shadowbolts frowned and we’re beginning to grow impatient.

“So, when exactlyare you gonna put your ‘plan’ into action?” Sci-Twi questioned Sour Sweet.

“Just wait… and… now.” Sour Sweet declared, nodding to someone.

Just then the sun’s rays start to reflect off of something, like a mirror and shine into the eyes of Rarity and Pinkie Pie, blinding them. They both cried out and raised their arms to shield their eyes.

“Ah! I can’t see!” Rarity cried out.

“Me neither! The sun must be attacking us!” Pinkie Pie added. “Curse you sun!”

The Shadowbolts snickered at this while Sci-Twi looked surprised and the Wondercolts were very alarmed.

“Oh no! What’s happening!?” Fluttershy said, alarmed.

“I-I don’t know! It’s like something’s blinding them!” Sunset replied.

“Oh no!” Rainbow Dash despaired. “Now we’re sure to lose!”

Really? That’syour biggest concern right now?” Applejack questioned, flatly before they all turned and gasped when they saw what they were both hiding towards.

“Look out!” Rainbow cried.

Both them finally regain their sight only to see that they were heading straight for one of the hay walls. They screamed and began to screech to a halt while their opponents go ahead and gain a point. The two of them quickly chase after them along with their teammates.

“Whoo! That was close!” Rainbow remarked.

“Too close…” Applejack added.

“How did that happenanyway?” Fluttershy inquired, confused.

“I don’t know…” Sunset mused as she gazed at the Shadowbolts.

At the same time, Sci-Twi herself was looking in the direction where the shining light came from and narrowed her eyes.

“Hmm… strange…” Twilight muttered.

Because Pinkie and Rarity were still rubbing their eyes and looking dizzy, their competitors easily managed to get past them.

“Later losers!” Sunny sang. Rarity and Pinkie frowned at this. Rarity even growled in frustration.

“Pinkie! Let’s catch up to them!” Rarity said.

“Roger!” Pinkie Pie saluted. “Quick! Throw me!”

Rarity held out her leg, which Pinkie grabbed and twirled her around before releasing her and allowing to zoom right ahead. She bumped into each of the blockers before getting past Sunny and Lemon and scoring another point. The crowd cheered while the Shadowbolts looked disgruntled.

The score was now 8 to 8, all tied up and time was running out. Both teams knew that they had to score one more point in order to win the event and fast.

“Alright! We’re still in this!’ Rainbow cheered. “Go Wondercolts, go!”

“But so are the Shadowbolts…” Fluttershy pointed out, nervously.

“Yeah, they both need one more point to win it.” Applejack observed. “Could go either way…”

“Come on…” Sunset prayed.

The crowd, both the Wondercolts and the Shadowbolts, were on the edge of their seats, eager to see who would win in the end. Eventually everyone on the Wondercolts side stood up and began chanting.

“Wondercolts! Wondercolts! Wondercolts! Wondercolts!” The crowd cheered and chanted, loudly.

As the chanting continued, both Rarity and Pinkie began to glow with a magical energy and before they knew it they were sprouting pony ears and tails. Everyone was stunned while the Wondercolts kept cheering.

“Alright! They’re ponying up!” Rainbow cheered.

“But how? I thought it only happened when we played music?” Applejack pointed out.

“Hmmm, it looks like this time… it’s the cheering that allows it to happen…” Sunset observed.

“I sure hope it’s not cheating…” Fluttershy prayed.

“Puh-lease! It’s not like it makes us go faster, just gives us ears, tails and wings, no big whoop.” Rainbow assured her.

“Yeah, guess we’ll see…” Applejack mused.

Principal Sombra saw this and narrowed his eyes with interesting. “Hmm, fascinating,” he muttered.

Nearby, the rest of the Shadowbolts could not believe their eyes, especially not Twilight.

“Impossible!” Human Twilight remarked, absolutely stunned by their transformation. She adjusted her glasses. “This… this has to be some kind of trick! There’s no other explanation for it!”

“I got one for you!” she heard Rainbow call out.


“It’s magic!”

“Magic? Please! There’s no such thing as magic.” Human Twilight scoffed.

Sour Sweet leaned closer to her. “I don’t know Twilight… kinda seems like magic to me.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Twilight stated. “They’re still going to lose.”

Chrysalis turned to Principal Sombra. “Shouldn’t we stop this!?”

“Easy. It’s all under control.” Principal Sombra told her, calmly.

“But they’re cheating!” Vice Principal Chrysalis exclaimed.

“No need to panic, my dear.” Sombra said. “The game is not over yet.”

“How can you be so calm?” Chrysalis questioned him.

“I’m calm because I know no matter what they do, we’ll win in the end, we always do,” he replied as he resumed watching the track with confidence.

And on that track it looked like he was going to be right as Lemon Zest managed to roughly get ahead of Rarity

“Hey!” Rarity cried.

“See ya later… ugly.” Lemon Zest insulted Rarity.

Hearing this struck a cord in Rarity, and her knuckles crackled loudly as what she said echoed in her mind. Pinkie saw how much she was shaking and instantly knew what she was feeling.

Whatdid you call me?” Rarity questioned, sounding angry.

“Ooh boy… she shouldn’t have said that…” Pinkie Pie voiced, uneasy.

“She said your ugly!” Sunny Flare called out.

Nowthey’re in for it…” Pinkie Pie remarked.

“Who do you think your calling ugly!?” Rarity exclaimed before she zoomed ahead.

Shen then zipped right past Zest and rammed right into Sunny, who was having trouble enough catching up to Pinkie being ponied up and the two suddenly crash right through the hay around the track. Everybody winced and cringed, seeing this.

“Ouch! Now that’sgonna leave a mark…” Rainbow winced.

Because they were so stunned by what had happened, Starlight, Gilda and the others began to slow down which allowed Derpy and the other Wondercolt blockers to get in their way.

“We got ‘em! Go for it guys!” Derpy called out.

Pinkie and Rarity nod and zoomed ahead of the blockers and right through the finish line just as the timer went off. The score was 9 to 8, the Wondercolts had won.

“And the first event goes to the Wondercolts!” Luna declared. The Wondercolts crowd cheered loudly in response, pleased that they had gotten their first victory over the Shadowbolts, whose students sitting on the stands were less then thrilled. Even the Shadowbolt team was stunned by what had just occurred.

Sour Sweet picked her ear. “Uh… did I hear that right, or did the Wondercolts just winone…?” she asked, baffled.

Human Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Yes… they did…” she said.

“Aw, man!” Sour Sweet whined. The rest of the Shadowbolts watching the game groaned also. King Sombra narrowed his eyes but restored his composure quickly, applauds and said;

“Congratulations, Miss Pie and Miss Rarity. You gave your school their first victory. Pray it’s not also the last.”

As Sunny and Lemon got back up and dusted the debris off their uniforms, the others also got up and left, not wanting the blame for their loss. Pinkie Pie and Rarity also rolled over to their friends.

“You did it!” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Way to go, guys!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “You gave us our first win!”

“That was some mighty fining blading you did their Rare.” Applejack commended her.

Rarity huffed and puffed “Yes… well…” she began. “She insulted me, and I simply couldn’t just let such a petty insult go. And besides, I wasn’t about to let them try and take what is ours.”

“Me either!” Pinkie Pie added.

Sunset handed Rarity a bottle of water. “You got that right.” The former queen bee nodded.

As Rarity gratefully took the water bottle, Rainbow turned to the Shadowbolts and smirked, smugly.

“Ha! Now what we’re you guys saying about winning both rounds?” Rainbow taunted, which angered the Shadowbolts, especially Sour Sweet. Twilight put a hand on her shoulder.

“Ignore them Sour Sweet, we’ll get them in the next round,” she assured her, firmly.

“We’d better…” Sour Sweet grumbled.

“By the way…” Rainbow Dash spoke up, getting her friend’s attention. “What was with that flash, anyway?”

“I don’t know… I thought the sunwas attacking us.” Pinkie Pie admitted.

“The sun was normal to me.” Applejack noted.

“Not to us.” Rarity stated.

“So what caused it?” Fluttershy asked.

“That would be the fifty-two million dollar question.” Rarity remarked.

Sunset then looked back towards the Roller Derby ring and thought about what happened, her eyes narrowed. “Strange…”

After the Roller Derby, the Shadowbolts decided to regroup somewhere were nobody would find them. Sour Sweet was still kicking the ground and mumbling about their recent failure. “Well, I hope you guys are happy…” Sour Sweet turned to Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest, who were staring at the ground with expressions of defeat. Cause thanks to you two idiots, Crystal Prep suffered their first ever defeat.”

Sunny looked up, looking very irritated while throwing Lemon Zest a glare that meant she was livid. “Well maybe Lemon here shouldn't have made that comment about me, saying I was dumb,” she hissed.

Lemon’s eyes grew as wide as saucers, “Hey! You were the one who smashed into one of those Blundercolts, I could have won that round without you.” Lemon replied, her voice showing no emotion at all.

Twilight stepped in before things could get any worse. “Hey, Stop it! This is how those losers beat us, you guys bickering during the event.” Twilight interjected.

Everyone present stared her until it was Sour Sweet that broke the silence. “Are you serious? Twilight, we’re here to win not to become the ‘bestest of fwiends’.” Sour emphasized the last three words. Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare laughed.

Twilight grew a smirk as she said. “Oh believe me that’s not what I meant. You guys just keep the bickering outof the Friendship Games.” Twilight glanced back at the Roller Derby ring. “Don’t worry, everything will work out.” Human Twilight added as the group nodded.

My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Friendship Games (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.