The Glasgow Daily Times from Glasgow, Kentucky (2024)

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The Glasgow Daily Timesi

Glasgow, Kentucky

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WK am 14 i A movie about a man who has and Mrs Richard Borders and and children of ranklin were proved Stevie and I 1 doesn't have Answer to Hrovioua Puiife to be a ITT IT 0 IT ar pr 7:30 8:00 pm CST ii 8:00 8:30 pm CST 7:00 7:30 pm EST 1 more everytnmg ill! MU i ST 5T 7:30 8:00 pm EST 8:30 9:00 pm EST GLASGOW KY RHONE 661 8161 IT IT ft tl I IT I IT IT IT BOWLING GREEN WLTV (Channel 13) CINCINNATI WCPO TV (Channel 9) WLW TV (Channel 5) EVANSVILLE WTVW (Channel 7) HUNTINGTON WSAZ TV (Channel 3) LEXINGTON WLEX TV (Channel 18) WKYT TV (Channel 27) LOUISVILLE WLKY TV (Channel 32) WAVE TV (Channel 3) WHAS TV (Channel 11) PADUCAH WPSD TV (Channel 6) 4 Glasgow Ky Daily Times Monday October 30 1967 ANN LANDERS Monday October 30 BIG 4:00 PM "The invisible Boy" Phillip Abbot Harold Stone NL 8:30 PM "Green Bay at St (color) Tuesday October 31 BIG 4:00 PM "I Love Melvin" (color) Donald O'Connor Debbie Reynolds MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE "Six BridRes to Tony Curtis Julie Adams TONIGHT ON TV Since you communicate with those who have passed away you must turn your attention to making sure that you do not in crease your guilt by harming those now living A good place to begin is to ask God to forgive you for the past mistakes and pray that he will give you a ChristUke spirit in dealing with those now alive We are all by nature contentious touchy wrathy and ir ritable These symptoms of our fallen nature and are normal ex pressions of Adam's race But the Bible says "In Adam aU men diet but in Jesus Christ shall all be made alive again" Road in Gelations 5 about the works of the flesh and you will see the normal characteristics of the average man But in the 22nd verse wo read of the fruit of the Spirit where life is lived in fellowship with Christ where wrath becomes peace where strife becomes gentle ness and where hatred becomes love This is what is important for 8:30 9:00 pm EST 7:30 8:00 pm EST 4 Dodlcotod Io TRUTH MERCY and PROGRESS istaiushid wikly in teas PUBLISHED DAILY 1 1 MONDAY THRU RDAY 301 SOUTH GREEN STREET GLASGOW KENTUCKY 42141 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS CMSOUKMCUY Protidonl and Editor JORL A WUOH Matafmg Editor MORRIS BUniR VicoPrM SRw Mgr WUIAM TMSIIY Socy Adv Dir WBYN KMCELY Trootvror SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Sy confer In Gioigow and ivburban areas 35c a44k ivbscrlbar doo not receive poppr by 5:30 pm pleate telephone 63131 71 baforo 6:00 pm for service Mod Rafe: Barron and urrounding Counties within 80 miloi of Glaqow One year 515 One week 35c Rate higher beyond Zone 2 Second Clan Pottage Paid at Glaow Ky Is your car in pretty good shape? Is everything else ready tor the new season ahead? House? Clothes? Dental work taken care of? Do the things that need to be done now See us now tor the money you need TAKI! COMMANP L1IBC9UJII CBNTM GLASGOW'S LARGEST STORE 7 STORE HOURS: Monday Thru Saturday 9AMto9PM West Main Street Glaagow Ky WIE OPEN RIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 7:00 218S GREEN STREET PHILCARNER MGR Gerry Bowman Linda Peden what the committee works out Gtada Peden Jane Nuckols and Loretta Sue Harlow made a mo Jed Lowery chairman A motion tian that the meeting ajourn and it was made by Melandie Bowman was seconded by Melandie Bow and seconded by Karen Williams man The meeting ajourned with that we try to work hard on each committee to moat MY ANSWER The MAN Henry Ward CamIMit for Bov mor of the State of Kanteoky The TV MOVIE "The Land and the Give Teenager Some Credit Too DAR ANN I 20 OV tO the hOSDittl And olVfl things appear in the newspapers vrY day these days to pit teen agers 1 think this speaks very well down 1 wish you would print teen agers and 1 would my letter because it proves mere t0 them praise are still plenty of great kids in ey deserve Will you this country Too bad we A GRATEUL WIE near more about the good teen agers instead of the hippies and the goof offs My husband is scheduled for open heart surgery next week Tne doctor' told us he must hsve at least 22 blood donors Word got around the plant where he works and several of his fellow employes signed ig Then the kids in the neighborhood heard about it More than a dozen teen agers (some didn't even know us) volunteered to give blood They were disappointed when they learned a blood donor must be 18 years of age and he must get his parents consent Every one of those kids was ready to dirty word Medley SINUS Sufferers Here's good news tor youl Exclusive new "hard core" SYNA CLEAR Decongestant tablets get Instantly and continuously to drain and clear ill noMl elnus cavities One "hard core tab let gives up to 8 hours relief from pain end preetura of conges tion Allows you to breathe easily stops watery eyas and run ny nose You can buy SYNA CLEAR at your favorite drug counter withour need for a prescription Satisfaction guaran teed by maker Try it today INTRODUCTORY OER WORTH $150 Cut our this ad take to a drug store Purchase one pack of SYNA CLEAR 1 and receive one more SYNA CLEAR 12 Pack ree What can a person do who has sinned against People no longer living? I remorseful about the past and all the mean things 1 have done but 1 can't ask forgiveness for the people I've wronged have passed away MJt 8:30 9:00 pm EST 7:30 8:00 pm EST (Tomorrow Night) 9:00 9:30 pm EST (Wednesday Night) 6:30 700 pm CST Paid lor by Kentuckians for Ward oster Robert Evans Treasure sSiX'Hofe'' NEW HABITS NEW HAIRDOS for Catholic nuns are requiring some additional trala Mj OrdwAr A change In style of habit whlchleft their hair exposed re of Heart Academy in Lisle ni Lucidly Sister Mary Josephine was a hairdresser before she entered the Order tlrc tier" benty lo bruh fashions which she could pass Does the sunliaht that yuan un wit earin nave any ton and rankie Jo Jphrey Mrs Maymie Lawson and Mrs weight? Mr and Mrs Barney Tracy Mrs Harold Matthews was at Mary Bell Heath were Sunday Yes Licht has snnra Terri Sherri and Tommy were uneral Home Sunday to guests of Mrs John Reid and ciabie 2XEIT visitors The lightSsw? Barton of AUen county Hopoe I The met Wednesday Mrth rivan afternoon Borders and Lisa afternoon at Ute Canma Metho miU Qisc unuren lor me wees or to Bro and Mrs Alexander pas Benjamin ranklin in 1752 tor of the Carnner Methodist How fast can an ostrich Church spent the weekend with run? daughter and her family A It can maintain a speed tMr and Mrs lemer and sons of 50 miles an hour for some 'at Valley Station distance MMimlckm BfiMiriMr'i direction DOWN 1 4 residence maid of Aatoiat" 3 Petty prince 4 eathered scarf I Noblemen a On the briny 7 Hinder from action 8 Comnass noint Made a second 2 Tanuvan time 30 Indian mulberry 41 Growing out iv vucK ueeue' Animat coat 11 More recent 34 Prayer 10 Outline of a play 36 Inborn I MORE NEWS 6 PM NEWSBEAT with Ron ortner 10 PM BIG NEWS with Chris Clark MORE WEATHER with Bob Lobertini member of American Meteorological Society 615 PM and 10:15 PM 7 RADAR WEATHER MORE SPORTS TODAY IN SPORTS wi' Sander? award winning sports caster 6:20 PM and 1020 PM IT DEAR WIE: With pleasure Here's your letter bit I didn't need it as evidence that there are still plenty of good teen agers around known It for a long time DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 feel guilty knowing what 1 do and remaining silent Please help I me A friend of mine who is in her middle 30's has her mother liv ing with her The old woman is past 70 senile and she does not hear welL I have seen some ter rible bruises on the old woman's face and arms and I have a strong suspicion that her aaugnter nas struck ner on sev eral occasions This friend has always been a peculiar person and I have seen evidences of her violent temper 1 am acquainted with the neigh bors who live upstairs over the unman and hmv danryhtor andthafif have told me they have heard funrtl Theresa and Jeffrey and Mr and and Mrs Charite Atnip Tues kvythl luSd dr'o Thfnl for tort to become the residence of Spirit so some blood chilling screams of MaldenSnU th Saftrday morning Mrs Barney TYacy and family day afternoon vwino w( Xbi fnr I the negative attitudes may be replaced with the positive from down there and they have Mr Shelton i were calling on Mr and Mrs Dee Holman had the misfortune coratlnsz the taarnant Brenda of Chr No amount of resolution can change your nature suspected for a long time that Jo had supper with Mr reddie Button Sunday nteht of losing a mare and colt by light Srvev Dm SmitK ted' Christ can do this The Bible says "If any man be in Christ something awful is going on What Operand Mrs Barney TYacy Terri and ning Monday night svntMa Morcanand ten Nuckols he is a new creature old things have passed away behold all things should be done? XXL Sunday night Sherri called on Mrs Janet Sand Mr and Mrs Claudte Borders become new" DEAR XXL: The neighbors ws jaoc melton ena era Karen and Bddie Lee Ites and tea Gayle had dinner recent wereappointed for refreslunents should call the police the next Kay visited Mr and Mrs day afternoon iy her mother Mrs Mry WiES' time they hear screams and then Ewell Houcbens Berry and Mar Mrs Lois Holder Mrs Porter Humphrey ESX Rn hv they should be willing to par wiuiams Mrs Roma Britt and Mrs Clifton Chambers went and Mike ork Ctairman tidpate in legal action If they Mr Houchens Mrs Bush were the guests back to work Monday at the in other new badness the of are unwilling to do so ask them Barry BillyGray lastWednesday Mrs Irene Mosby was honored fleers Tnilnto WPrkSw wUlbe 0 Vwrit of Mr Bwh wlttia birthday lastWed October SatSie irst Sethodist all the police and go over to OE Wrhtof Co WIL Mr and Mrs Bush Sun nesday night Those present were Church County officers will be that house and do your duty wJaM Sandra day 7 Mr and Mrs Arnold Wyatt and elected at this meeting nrm i ftBrnoon1h Mr Car roU Wyatt Also the Talent Show will be DEAR ANN LANDERS: I Mrs 5 balton Bush a senlor at and Jr Mr and Mrs Chandler held and seconded by Karen Wil itaSd" lly Mr nd Mrs Item thihSe aXuhow 5 yeer old problem That's how Uunlor Thomas Debbie and Brad of some kind ThefdUowlngpeo tong ft has been going on 1 am Ewell Houchens and Martha munity Mrs Ollis Spann pie were appointed to wrk on a daughter who is three years and Joe David visited Mr and Mr a Arthur 9iaw and family Saturday older than I am Ever since Shelton and rankie Jo Wed Mr and Mrs Weldon I was 10 this woman has been nesday night family visited Mr andMrs Claud saving her daughter's out grown Mr and Mrs Virell Coulter to Piper and Mr and Mrs Bernard I DT11T1A1 nPfilnAYlt clothes for me have moved from the Lois Holder Smith Sunday night xJWllllll VOiVLdllB I think this is vety kind of torn to house owned by Robert Miss Linda Jewell and Mr and i her but (1) We are not THAT Harrison at Austin Mrs Bernard Smith attended 1T TT 1 ell hard up and (2) Styles do change Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr church at Grider Memorial Bap 1 fil 1TI fi VI I and 1 look like something left Mrs Joe Shelton and rtnkie tist Church Sunday WAI HIV over from another century in wre Wayne Shelton and Mr Mr and Mrs Weldon Jewell those oldfashioned dresses Mrs Jr Wyatt RusseU end and children attended church at CANMER (Spl) William Rog Miss Jeanette Waters was glv My mother says the Jojisph Grider Memorial Saturday night ers and son Greg attended the en a surprise birthday party at feelings will be hurt if 1 re Dora Mm Walker of Glasgow Guest singers were the Happy funeral of Dick Cowherd at Hop the home of Mr andMrs WO fuse her dresses but spent the weekend with Mr and Aires kingsville Thursday Waters Carolyn and Belinda 1 think my feelings ought to "bra Joe Williams and Juanita Mr andMrs TY avis Watson Mrs Billy Whisman and Mrs Those present were Mr errtMrB count for something too rances Ann Gann o( ranklin visited Mrs Eula Jones a while' Joel Twyman visited Mrs A Waters and Mr and Mrs you? Thanks for any help you apsntSaturday and Saturday night Sunday 'Naoma Berry of Louisville who Rov Avery and Darris can give me in my fight to with the Williams family Mike Jones Claudette Lewis' has recently returned home from Larry Vance who is attending look RAGSVILLE Mrs Virginia Jones Dora Mm Royce Watson and Glenda Jones the hospital the University tf Kennu kygpg DEAR RAGSVILLE: Since you WaRter And Juanita Williams visit wwe Sunday night supper guests) Miss Jeanette Waters pent the the weekend with his mother do not need the dresses ft would Miss William's brother Jr' of Mrs Eula Jones weekend with her sister Mrs Mrs' Lizzie Vance and toother be an act gonomsity tn tall Williams Mrs Williams andchil Mr and Mrs Bernard Sniith 'Roy Avery John die neltfibor that you feel sei dren Saturday morning and John Terry attended church at Mr and Mrs Nat West rf Edward Moore and MrrtrgCe fish in accepting them Suggest Mr and Mrs Joe Williams and Grider Memorial Monday night Indiana spent the weekend with Brownfield of Jeffersonville tiiat she call Goodwill Industries Jtomlta spent Sunday with Mr and Mnt and Mrs Robert Denny Mrs Daman Russell spent Tliursday and rldav or a local orphanage' Mrs Jr Williams Kathy Stephen nd daughter of Louisville and Mr Mr and Mrs Waters with Mr end Mrs Earl GiU How far should a teen age Karen and Ronnte and Mrs Carroll Wyatt spentSun spent Sunday with Mrs and MichaeL coiple go? rn narking ha gate? aunaay aiternoon cauers ot mt wim neir parents wir ana parents Mr and Mrs uan isen whan dnao it hamma ton hnt and Mrs Euzene Williams and Mrs Arnold Wyatt and Jerrv berg of Cave Citv to handle? Send for Ann land Buddy were Mr and Mrs Joe Mr and Mrs Paul Lowe were Mr and Mrs Bivin of ers booklet "Necking and Pet Williams and Juanita Sunday guests of her parents Mr ranklin were visitors of Mrs what Are The Limits?" 7 Gtom Tracy of Nashville spent nd Mrs Edward Houchens Norine Rogers Thursday after Mall your request to Ann Land the weekend with his parents Mr 'Mr and Mrs Rondal Ward andnoon ers in care of your newspaper nd Mrs Barney Tracy and fami fiv children of Louisville Mr and Mrs Paul Gregory enclosing 500 in coin and a inng ly nd Mrs Richard Borders and and children of ranklin were stamped self addressed enve Those calling on Mrs' Barney children and Mr and Mrs Jim Saturday guests of Mr and Mrs lope iracy terri ana anerrl Monday wore ounaay guests wune Lawson Ann Landarg win ha clad tn afternoon wereMr andMrs Evans their parents and grandparents Sherry help you with your problems TYacy Mr and Mrs Johnny Hou Mr and Mrs Ralph Borders Darryl Callahan who is attend Send them to her in care of chens and Denise Mrs Ewell Mrs Helen Matthews spent a tag Murray State College spent this newspaper enclosing a self Houchens and Martha Lynn Mrs while Tuesday afternoon with her the weekend at his home in Can addressed stamned envelcne Pearl Button and Mrs Joe Shel grandmother Mrs Mary Hum mer iz wirs mavmia uwNnnflnniwrs Mrs Harold Matthews was at Mary Bell Heath were Sundav crow uneral Home Sunday to guests of Mrs John Reid and ciable wei(rht nr rMtirZ show respect to the famUv of Mrs Miss Mahto Reid 7 or ix ine iient oreaaure on tne 1 i tv ine mer nennesnav 1 rnA gritm MI GUuoie Borders and Lisa afternoon at the Canmer Metho 1 "Politics" Activivities Of Lucas Reported LUCAS (Spl) Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Carl McGuire Gayle caUedonMra Maud Itetash QUICK QUIZ Who maintain Mount Vernon the home of George Washington? Mount Vernon hai been restored and to maintained by the Mount Vernon Ladiei As sociation founded by Miss Ann Cunningham of South Carolina ACROSS Un th mlddfe (comb form) 4Rowy parts (Unit of nluctanco UWingllko part 13 Dwort gardon ipoto 14 Noto in Guido's Kale 15 Burmou wood tprita Rugged mountain crest 17 Entangle Courtesy title (Pl) 20 New Guinea port 21 Top of the head 22 Makes into law 24 Peruser 26 encing weapon IT 27 One who (suffix) 3S ret pertinaciously it 30 Suitable 31 Peer Gynt's mother 32 Prevarication 33 Minute skin opening 35Sea eagle 38 Mock 40Adornod elaborately 42 Hodgepodge 43 Coterie 45 Stupefy 46 Anatomical duct 47 Louisiana for instance 40 eminine name 50 Self eiteem Sits for a portrait 52 Animal doctor (coll) 53 Oriental coin WITH A channeofseason 21 Archetypes 37 Musical studies 23 Annoyed 38 Pigeons 25 Discoverer of 39 Impede legally a sort' 40 Musteline mammal 44 Comfort 47 Health resort 48 Worm 17" Temple Hill 4 Club Meets The Tampla HIH 4 Club held Its monthly meeting Mon day night October 16 at the Com munity Clubhouse The preaident Mark Harlow called the meeting to order In the absence of our devotional leader Brenda Harvey gave the reading from Ptalms 92: 1 2 i also she read a poem entitled "Thank God Every Morning" Linda Peden lead us in the pledget to our American and 4 flags The secretary Brenda Shelton called the roll with 27 members and 7 leaders present The minu tes were read and approved The treasurers report was given in tne mo Business mts Bow man gave a report on the Win dow Displays our display was "Peace Around the World" Also Mrs Bowman gave a report on the Ruing of the 4 Banner on September 29 Mr Bowman gave a report on the Bar cue Chick en Supper which was held oq Oc tober 7 at the Community Park The president announced that all enrollment cards should be filled out and turned in Also ft wu announced that this is Member ship Month and we should try to get all the new members we can to Join In the New Business the first thing wu a Halloween Party Nancy Harlow moved that we have I Mtetl AB fVg4febtee OO a VAtoWwl vvv tarfna wemaMolMod for te i attitudes may be replaced with the positive WWUlg were appointed tor oe rtirtw Nr mnimt nf Mnlainn ran rhanaa urn 1 1 pr ii htf Wu 4 Wo Eii ll 1 lLi zJ la WIN 'I ilia 4 1 1 RM I Ml CM Ij'ljylMyil 1:1 RISi 11 1 'I late i1 4 M(aMMlR 16 llilt izl 4k'HR IMMzlM i IM' liCIl Im 1 tM zLfeoM zl IMMoUKl tWIzlte lnB ISHIRt l' lil mi zIlRII I iM zl 41 1 IMf 1 I I '1 1 41 11 11 I it I 'rt 1 I on co or iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIPW'' I XiliiiiiiiLo 1 0 1 ilBil UIHH more of everything on colorful iiiIiiLoV'i mtWwwIWHWNH wKv I.

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The Glasgow Daily Times from Glasgow, Kentucky (2024)


What is the average household income in Glasgow Kentucky? ›

What are the median and average incomes in Glasgow?
Y-o-Y Change
Average Household Income$68,89013.5%
Median Household Income$44,12514.1%
People below Poverty Level2,904-22.5%
People above Poverty Level11,31210.0%

What is the race population in Glasgow Kentucky? ›

Race & Ethnicity

The largest Glasgow racial/ethnic groups are White (81.7%) followed by Black (7.6%) and Hispanic (6.6%).

Is Glasgow Kentucky a nice place to live? ›

Glasgow is a great town with good public schools, good employment opportunities, low cost of living, and is a small town so commute is always short. Glasgow is a nice sized small town. It is between Bowling Green and Elizabethtown so you don't have too far to drive to get to a larger town.

Does Glasgow, KY have a newspaper? ›

Newspaper The Glasgow Daily Times (Glasgow, Ky.)

What income is considered wealthy in Kentucky? ›

As of Jul 23, 2024, the average annual pay for a Wealthy in Kentucky is $59,331 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $28.52 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,140/week or $4,944/month.

What is a livable salary in Kentucky? ›

The living wage in Kentucky is $11.17 per hour, which is slightly lower than the national living wage of $11.88 per hour.

What is Glasgow, KY famous for? ›

Location of Glasgow in Barren County, Kentucky. The city is well known for its annual Scottish Highland Games.

What is the crime rate in Glasgow Kentucky? ›

The crime rate in Glasgow is considerably higher than the national average across all communities in America from the largest to the smallest, although at 20 crimes per one thousand residents, it is not among the communities with the very highest crime rate.

What is the most common ethnicity in Kentucky? ›

In 2021, 7.2 percent of Kentucky residents were Black or African American. A further 83.3 percent of the population were white, and 6.3 percent of Kentucky residents were of two or more races in that same year.

How much does it cost to live in Glasgow Kentucky? ›

The total cost of housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, taxes, and other necessities for a single adult in Glasgow is $31,793 a year — about the same as the annual cost of living for Kentucky of $32,557 and less than the national figure of $38,433.

What is the kindest town in Kentucky? ›

Murray was named “friendliest town in America” by Rand McNally and USA Today in 2012, a big honor for this southwestern Kentucky community of about 17,000. Murray State University calls the town home, giving downtown Murray a youthful vitality and a diversity of dining and shopping options.

Is it worth living in Glasgow? ›

Glasgow offers a high quality of life with a low cost of living compared to other major cities in the UK. Finding a place to live is one of the most important aspects of moving to Glasgow. The city has a diverse range of neighbourhoods to choose from, each with its own unique character and lifestyle.

What is the main newspaper in Glasgow? ›

The Herald is a Scottish broadsheet newspaper founded in 1783. The Herald is the longest running national newspaper in the world and is the eighth oldest daily paper in the world.

What county is Glasgow in KY? ›

​​​​​​Barren County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 42,173. Its county seat is Glasgow.

What newspaper companies are in Glasgow? ›

Top Newspapers companies In Glasgow City
  • Scottish Daily Record And Sunday Mail Ltd. ...
  • The Herald Scotland. ...
  • Herald & Times Group. ...
  • Herald And Times Group. ...
  • Reach Scotland. ...
  • The National Newspaper. ...
  • Media Scotland. ...
  • Newsquest (Herald & Times) Limited.

How much do you need to live comfortably in Glasgow? ›

A single person can live comfortably in Glasgow for around £1,500–£2,000 per month. This includes the cost of accommodation, food, utilities, transportation, and social activities.

What is the middle class income in Kentucky? ›

Kentucky's middle-class income range in 2022 was $40,122 to $120,366, up more than 41% over 2012, where just $28,407 was considered the entry income to be considered middle class. Here's a breakdown of Kentucky's middle class income ranges in 2012 and 2022: 2022 middle-class income range: $40,122 to $120,366.

What is the average income in Glasgow? ›

The average glasgow salary in the United Kingdom is £33,122 per year or £16.99 per hour. Entry level positions start at £25,000 per year while most experienced workers make up to £55,000 per year.

What is the average income per person in Kentucky? ›

In 2022, the per capita personal income in Kentucky was 51,921 U.S. dollars.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.