The Columbia Record from Columbia, South Carolina (2024)

of I in I A A C. Che Columbia Record MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1936 Items For This Page Must LEONIE HARVIN Reach Editor Not Later Social and Club News Interest Women Society, Editor Than 10 A. M. Phone 7016 of to SOCIETY CHATTER In this, the first week of February, there are dances for the university set Carolina's students have been too busy with examinations to indulge in gayeties But, the second semester begins week and there is an interim of pleasure with three dances listed among the events on the social calendar. The German club at the university is giving its mid-winter ball Tuesday evening in the gymnasium and in the early evening, preceding the German, the Cotillion club at Carolina, will entertain with a tea dance at the Hotel Columbia Buster Spann and his Gameco*ck orchestra will play for the mid-winter German and also for the tea dance, which begins at six o'clock and ends at eight Friday evening, from 9:30 to 1:30, Beta Epsilon chapter of Alpha Delta Pi sorority at the University of South Carolina, is giving its annual dance in the ballroom of the Jefferson hotel and blue and white, the sorority's colors will be used Buster Spann's orchestra will play.

The wedding of Jacquelin Emerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lew1s Azro Emerson, and Edward Duncan Sallenger, Junior, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Duncan Sallenger, of Florence, takes place this week and the ceremony will be performed at six-thirty on the evening of Thursday, February the sixth, in St.

John's Episcopal church, the out of town guests expected to be here for the wedding are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Duncan Sallenger, of Florence, parents of the bridegroom-elect, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Williams, of Lake City, Adolph Williams, of ASHAMED OF PIMPLY SKIN Burned and Itched Until Cuticura Relieved! Victims of external skin outbreaks use Cuticura for blessed, quick relief, Read this sincere tribute: "I was ashamed to show myself anywhere with the ugly pimples had.

They were caused by some surface condition and were very large amanded, also hard. The itching burning made me scratch so that they bled. sent for a fee sample of Soap and Ointment, A Cattieurm disappeared and bought some of the Soap and Ointment. It only took Cuticura month to relieve me fully." Miss R. Zebrowski, 18 Alder Bristol, Conn.

Prove Cuticura today -and keep It always near you. Use for rashes, ringworms, burning and itching of eczema and other externally caused skin irritations. Soap 250. Ointment 25c. Sample FREE.

Write to Dept. 17, Malden. Mass. PIGGLY WIGGLY "Swift's Confidence Week" Jewel, 8 lbs. Sunbrite, 2 for.

Premium Hams, lb. Mangels REMODELING Entrance Taylor Street We Offer You Fast Accurate Economical Prescription Service CAPITAL PHARMACY Phone 8177 1213 Gervais St. BIHARI'S Restaurant 1229 Hampton For SEA FOOD Shore Style Just Received Lovely Selection New Spring HATS $1.95, $2,95 ALLAN Shop-1619 Main St. Drama Club Meets This Evening At 8:15 this evening, the Drama club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Waties Thomas in Wales Gardens and Mrs. John T. Sloan is in charge of the program. The hosts and hostesses for the evening are Dr. and Mrs.

S. B. Fishburne, Dr. and Mrs. Izard Josey, Miss Amelia Tompkins, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank McGowan and Dr. and Mrs. George A. Wauchope.

Officers of Palmetto Shrine Entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison Officers of Palmetto Shrine No. 1 of Columbia were delightfully entertained at the first officer's club meeting of the year at the attractive new home of Mr. and Mrs.

A. W. Hutchison on Dogwood avenue. Mrs. Kate Crosson presided during the business hour which was followed by a most enjoyable hour of games and contest in which prizes were awarded to Mrs.

J. M. Ogilvie and T. W. Hornsby.

Refreshments were served. Meetings Meetings Tree of Life Sisterhood To Meet With Mrs. Rich The Tree of Life Sisterhood will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. Rich, 700 Pickens street.

Typo Auxiliary to Meet With Mrs. R. W. Johnson The Typographical auxiliary will meet Thursday afternoon at o'clock at the home of Mrs. Roger W.

Johnson, 2228 Lee street. A. A. U. W.

Meeting to Be Held With Mrs. Wimberly, The American Association of University Women has postponed its meeting from February 4 until the following Tuesday, February 11, says an announcement. The hostess will be Mrs. V. M.

Wimberly, 207 Wateree avenue. Business Women's Club Will Meet Tuesday Night Business and Professional Women's club will meet Tuesday evening at 6:30 at the Friendly cafeteria. Miss Grace Allen is president of the club. WEATHER COLUMBIA OBSERVATIONS Temperature: Highest yesterday, 43; lowest today, 34; 8 m. today, 35.

Precipitation: Total for 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. today, 0.17 inches; January 1 to date, 6.13 inches; total last year for same period, 3.75 inches. Wind Direction and Velocity: 8 a. today, N.

6 miles. Relative Humidity: Percentage at 8 a today, 97. Sunshine: Sun sets, 75th meridian time, this evening at 5:56 o'clock; rises tomorrow morning at 7:19 o'clock, Forecast Tilt 8 p. m. Tuesday For Columbia and Vicinity Occasional rains and warmer tonight and Tuesday, followed by colder Tuesday night.

For South Carolina Cloudy, occasional rains night and Tuesday; rising temperature, followed by much colder Tuesday night. Weather Conditions The far western depression of Saturday morning has advanced eastward to a central point over southeastern New Mexico, accompanied by rain and snow in many sections from California to the Lakes and from eastern Texas to the Carolina and Georgia coasts. High pressure is crested off New Jersey and over the northwestern border, Temperatures are lower in the Rocky Mountains and are higher eastward over the central valleys and the South. Occasional rains and warmer weather will prevail in this vicinity tonight and Tuesday, followed by colder Tuesday night. Weather Outlook, Feb.

3 to 8, 1:36 South Atlantic and East Gulf States: Rain first part of week probably mixed with snow over north portion and another rain period toward close of week: colder about middle of week with temperatures averaging below normal in most sections. 4-WHEEL TRAILER BILL GETS WIDE ATTENTION Fred M. Burnett. executive secretary of the Motor Transportation association of South Carolind. today urged all motor truck drivers and other interested persons to attend the carriers hearing before the house ronde, bridges and ferries committee to be held at the house chamber Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.

Included in the legislation to be a discussed will be the bill to restore four wheel trailers on the highways and a measure to allow an crease in the gross weights to carried by trucks from 20.000 pounds to 25,000 pounds. Both bills recelved favorable action in the senate recently, BLYTHEWOOD MAN DIES Palmer D. Branham, 43, R. No. 2, Blythewood, died at him home yesterday morning at o'clock from a heart attack.

John A. Sargeant, coroner for Richtand county, who investigated the death. said that an inquest would not be I necessary. -Home InstituteKEEP YOUNG AND LOVELY YEARS NEED NOT DESTROY YOUR CHARM What makes a woman look un Especially after she's reached the past-thirty mark? you know. although that Well, not just her face, alone, sparkle with vitality and a complexion that glows with health and good care undoubtedly help.

But just as important is an elastic step, a trim figure, a young, erect carriage. The buiest woman can slip in a few minutes for walking. Walk to market, to your friend's house, instead of the for those ten blocks. Walk a trolley, swing and a rhythm, and breathe deeply as you step along. As you go about the house, don't drop down on one knee to pick up toys newspapers floor.

Bend right over from thee waist. Don't try to avoid any bending job "to save work." Go ahead and bend, to save your figure! That's a fine way to get started on some good reducing exercise, such as the one pictured. This one reduces hips, waist, and shoulders. Each morning, before you dress, swing arms up, then one arm back while with the other you reach downn and clasp one ankle. Alternate.

Do it a few times at first then increase the number. And above all, watch posture. It easy to slump in a chair, to stand in sagging positions when you're tired. Yet a return to good posture actually rests your back. Draw yourself up as though you were going to draw a bow and shoot an arrow as shown in the sketch.

Your head goes up, your chin line improves, your whole body is held properly. There are just a few of the practical hints on keeping young that you'll find in our 40-page Home Institute booklet, BEAUTY FOR THE MATURE WOMAN. It describes simple, sure exercises -for reducing hips, waist, arms, legs, double chin; suggests quick home treatment for skin defects, and has some, wonderful ideas on make-up one costume colors for all types. All points fully illustrated, and all practical. To order your copy, use coupon.

The Columbia Record Home stitute, 109 W. 19th New York, N. Y. Enclosed find 15c for booklet. Beauty for the Mature Woman Please print name and address plainly Street City and Series of Dances Will Be Given At Clemson College This Week-end (Special to The Record) CLEMSON, Feb.

of the most colorful social events of the year at Clemson is scheduled for coming weekend when the Clemson Central Dance association offers its series of three mid-winter dances. Johnny Hamp and his famous Columbia Broadcasting orchestra been signed to play for this series that is expected to attract several hundred couples to the Clemson field house. The series dances will include the formal ball Friday evening, a tea dance Saturday afternoon and informal dance Saturday night. Elaborate decorations are being prepared by the Central Dance association and preparations are being made to accommodate at least two hundred couples for the Friday evening dance. The Hamp orchestra features the vocal renderings of Miss Kay Kernan and Johnny MacAfee, two of the better known singers of radio.

A noveltry feature of the band presents Hamp's famous wire -haired terrier, "Skip-It." The Hamp orchestra has featured regularly, over the major networks the past ten years and has played at important locations in the United States and abroad, including the famous Kit Kat club in London. Johnny Hamp himself drummer, and offers several novelty along with his regular dance renderings. The "dance list" kept by the Central Dance association indicates one of the largest crowds ever to attend a Clemson dance. Girls from all sections of the South are included among those on the list. 40th Annual Convention of D.

A. R. To Be Held in Anderson Next Month Representatives of Columbia's D. A. R.

chapters will attend the 40th annual state conference of the South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution which will be held in Anderson, March 4, 5 and 6 with Cateeche and Hudson Berry chapters, the hostesses. The date of the meeting has been advanced one week in order to conform with the plans and schedule of the president general, Mrs. Wiiliam A. Becker, that the South Carolina D. A.

R. might have the privilege of having her as a guest during the state conference. The John C. Calhoun hotel wili be the official headquarters, and ail sessions of the conference will be held in the Central Presbyterian church, with committee meetings in the parlors of the church. The first business session will convene promptly at 9 'clock Thursday and the memorial hour will be 11 o'clock.

Upon adjournment the conference will be Returning, a stop will be made at Clemson college for a visit to the John C. Calhoun mansion. An elltertainment will be given at Clemson by the Oconee-Pickens chapter D. A. R.

Thursday evening. Names of all deceased members should be sent immediately to Mrs. W. B. Burney, state chaplain, 1817 Senate street, Columbia, as Mrs.

Burney is In charge of the memordal hour. A duplicate list should g0 to Mrs. Frank McFall, state corresponding secretary, Pickens. Wednesday evening, March 4, at 6:15, a banquet, honoring the preeldent general will be given, at which Mrs. John G.

Chafee, recordbeing secretary, will be toastmistress. Reservations should be made befere or immediately upon arrival with Miss Louise Thompson, banquet chairman. The president generai will he the speaker for the openIng evening session at 8:15. A reseption will fe the evening at the her of Mrs. Rufus Fant.

Thursday evening will be leatured as chapter regents' evening. At 7 o'clock the processional win be formed composed of the state regent and honor guests, the state vice-regents, and the three mem- Miss Carter to Wed Henry Cohen of interest to Columbians who know Kathleen Carter, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. T.

Carter, of Spartanburg, is the announcement of her engagement to Henry Cohen, of Augusta, and Washington, D. C. The wedding will take place in the spring. Miss Carter is popularwin South Carolina society. graduated from Converse college and from the Washington School for Secretaries.

She now holds a position with the soil conservation service in Washington. Mr. Cohen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jay Cohen, of Augusta, Ga.

He is a graduate of the law school at Washington and Lee university and is now connected with the Home Owners' Loan corporation in Washington. Mrs. Crosby Adams Will Address Music Teachers At Meeting This Evening Mrs. Crosby Adams will address the Columbia Music Teachers' association Monday evening at 8:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred H. Parker on Colonial drive. Mrs. Adams' subject will be "The Fine Art of Teaching Music." This is a privilege the music teachers in the city will look forward to with a great deal of pleasure as Mrs. Adams is a nationally known teacher and musician.

Due to the inclement weather, Mr. Adams will be unable to come to Columbia. Lives of Two Historical Figures to Be Featured In Pageant at Clemson (Special to The Record) CLEMSON, Feb. the date of the Calhoun-Clemson pageant to be presented" by the John C. Calhoun chapter of the U.

D. C. is more than three months away. the Clemson hotel has already received letters requesting reservations on May 6 and 7. The pageant will portray the lives of John C.

Calhoun and Thomas G. Clemson, two of South Carolina's most historical figures. NICHOLS TEACHERS ARE HONOR GUESTS AT PARTY (Special to The Record) NICHOLS, Feb. and Mrs. Joe Graniger, entertained contract bridge Wednesday evening, complimenting the teachers of the Nichols school, D.

R. Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. Lonzo Price. High scores were made by Mr.

and Mrs. Price. Mrs. N. K.

Hayes, of Nichols, is under the care of a specialist in Florence. Mrs. Delphia Harrelson, has moved her family to the CCC camp here, where her son, Guy, is caretaker. They are occupying one of the log cabins. A.

T. Martin, well known farmer of the Wannamaker section Horry county, is a patient at the McLeod infirmary in Florence. SUMTER GROUPS MEET TONIGHT (Special to The Record) SUMTER, Feb. Commanders John G. Dinkins of Manning and R.

K. Wise of Columbia will be the guest speakers at a joint meeting of the Sumter post of the American legion and its auxiliary in the Y. W. C. A.

hall this evening at 7:30 o'clock. The meeting will be preceded by a supper. TAX COMMISSION TELLS OF TRAVELING Travel expenses of $1,658 incurred by the state tax A commission during 1935 were made public today in the house journal in response to a resolution. A letter of transmittal said the expenses covered the entire year for Chairman W. G.

Query Commissioner J. P. Derham, and the period from January 1 to September 30 for commissioner F. C. Robinson.

Robinson resigned and Former Governor John G. Richards, who took his place, incurred no travel expenses during the latter three months of the year, the letter said. The individual expenses were listed as: Query, Derham and Robinson, $116. I Married Mrs. O.

M. Keefe, who before her marriage Feb. 2, 1935, was Miss Nellie Mae Gist, daughter of Mrs. A. L.

Gist. VAN SWERINGEN FIRMS ASK AID Petition Filed in Federal Court Asks Reorganization Under Bankruptcy Act CLEVELAND, Feb. Van Sweringen Company, the original real estate holding company of Oris P. and the late Mentis J. Van Sweringen, and six subsidiaries filed a petition in federal court today for reorganization under section 77-B of the federal bankruptcy actine petition claimed more than two-thirds of each of the first mortgage collateral trust bond sues of the parent company halve approved the proposed reorganization plans.

Federal Judge Paul Jones announced he would give the concern days in which to file these plans. The Van Sweringen Company was founded In 1913. The subsidiaries, all wholly-owned, are the Shaker the Lynnfield Company, the Shelmont Company, the Dysart Land Company, the Crafton Land Company and the Shaker -East View Land Company. The petition listed book assets totaling $44,393,031 and liabilities aggregating $31,962,128. A company statement said: "In view of the large percentage (of bondholders) that have agreed to the plans and to assure all being treated alike, the company is now declaring operative the plans of adjustment of these two bond issues, subject to the confirmation of the court." The petitioning company is not identified with the Van Sweringen Corporation, a holding company for the Cleveland Terminal and other properties developed by the famous brothers.

TEXACO FORCE GATHERS IN COLUMBIA MEETING Sales plans for 1936 were discussed at a meeting of the salaried personel of the Texaco oil company held at the Hotel Columbia today. S. L. Styles, of Greenville, was in charge. Attending the meeting were representatives from Atlanta and New York as well as state district managers J.

W. Dowdle of Florence, L. H. Anderson of Greenville and H. G.

Ezelle of Columbia. PHOTOGRAPHERS ATTEND CHAPEL HILL MEETING Edward C. Toal, of Toal's studio, and Charles W. Old, of Sargeant's, are attending of the North Carolina Photographers' ASsociation and second annual short course in photography at Chapel Hill, N. C.

Leading photographers from several states are attending the meeting, which ch began Sunday and will close Wednesday. Earthworms can be brought to the surface by knocking on a stake driven into the soil. Carolina and Winthrop Join For Summer School Sessions Winthrop college and the University of South Carolina have announced that the summer sessions at both institutions will be enlarged and will offer more diversified courses of study. This program will offer opportunities for summer work that have never been offered in the state and will place the two institutions on a par with the larger universities of the ndtion. Conforming to the practice of universities and colleges both institutions, Winthrop at Rock Hill, the university at Columbia.

will lengthen the summer session to the standard 45-day term. This will make possible a greater number and variety of courses and a an opportunity of earning more credits and facilitating an exchange of credita with other institutions. Under the augmented program a student may earn nine semester hours, or one third of a full year's work, at either institution. Courses will be open to freshmen, sophom*ores, juniors and seniors, and the revised term will make it possible for students to graduate in three years and three summer sessions. Another advantage is offered by GAME BIRD ETCHINGS ON DISPLAY IN CITY Several game bird by Roland Clark of New are on exhibition at the city council.

chamber here sponsored by the federal art project and the Columbia Art association. Mr. Clark sketched birds along the Atlantic coast and in Scotland and in addition has made several marsh studies in Manitoba. A collection of his game-bird etchings and water color exhibits are now on exhibition at the Gibbes Art gallery at Charleston. Rubies were believed to have an inner fire by pre-British India Hindus, who thought it possible to boil water with the heat.

Lake City, and Kenneth Sallenger, of Mrs. J. Frank Fooshe, of Norfolk, Virginia, an aunt of the bride-elect, will be here Thursday for the wedding and Mrs. Fooshe's daughter, Dorothy, will arrive Tocoa Sanders, of Saluda, North Carolina: Mr. and Mrs.

Donald M. Fraser, of Spartanburg, and their son. David Fraser, are others who will be here Wednesday or Thursday. In the wedding party will be T. Keith Legare and E.

A. Woodruff. senior ushers; Edward C. Bowen, of Lake City, G. G.

Dowling, of Greenwood, and J. Newton Harman, the third, of Welch, West Virginia, The groomsman will be F. Douglas Dudley, of Bennettsville. and Mr. Sallenger's best man will be his brother, Asbury Sallenger, of Florence.

The maid of honor will be the bride-elect's sister. Marion Emerson, and another sister, Troy Emerson, will be the Wednesday evening, after the rehearsal for the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Reeves will entertain the bridal party and out-of-town guests at the Reeves home on Divine street Reeves is an aunt of Miss Emerson, the A small reception will be given at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Lewis A. Emerson, 1133 Glenwood road, after wedding and the invitation list is limited to relatives and -town guests. THE JACK FOSTERS RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Foster have returned from a wedding trip to Charleston and they are at 1800 Senate street for the Mrs. Foster is the former Daisy Hayne, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. James Adams Hayne, of Wavering Place, Congaree, and she and Mr. Foster were married last Wednesday afternoon.

COLUMBIA LIQUOR RAIDS. RESULT IN TWO ARRESTS Two liquor raids by state consta bles in Columbia Saturday night netted two arrests, one automobile and a quantity of corn liquor. Chief J. H. Jeanes of the state constabulary said that Timothy Smith and Ely Isenhoward were arrested on charges of liquor law violation.

Both were released on bond. Chief Jeanes said Smith was arrested on the 1600 block of Main street and his car and a "small quantity" of corn liquor were seized Isenhoward was arrested at the corner of Lincoln and College streets by constables who seized 17 gallons of corn whiskey, Jeanes said. ALEXANDER CIRCLE HAS MEETING AT MANNING (Special to The Record) MANNING, Feb. The Alexander circle will meet Tuesday at the Baptist church. Mr.

and Mrs. John K. Greedin motored to Charleston to spend the weekend. Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Odiorne have returned from Olanta after visiting Dr. E. H.

Thomason and Mrs. Thomason. Mrs. W. G.

Simms left Thursday for Atlanta to visit her mother. Bad Elimination Makes It Easier To Catch a Cold With the right sort of food and proper exercise, constipation might be rare, but in actual living conditions. how few manage to it! escape Clyde Martin, Ona. W. Mr.

recently very aptly wrote that "constipation is the root of a lot of sickness. but if Black- taken right it will keep down "If 1 let myself get constipated." he explains, "and my system filled with impure matter. feel bloated take cold easily. and feel out of sorts in a lot of ways. will take about two good doses of BlockDraught.

It seems to clense my whole system and I feel like doing my work." Sold In 25-cent packages. BLACK DRAUGHT Engagement and Wedding RINGS Platinum and Gold P. Lachicotte Co 1424 Main WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Without Calomel- -And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels.

Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. Laxatives are only makeshifts. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause.

It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel" up and Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c. The R.


Gay LatinAmerican Revue "A NIGHT IN HAVANA" 18-People-18 On the Screen NOW "The Lone Wolf Returns" Imperial with Melvyn Douglas bers at large of the state executive committee, and the chapter regents, who will give the outstanding achievement of work of their chapters in one-minute reports. As considerable time, the first day, usually devoted to business, will be consumed by the visit Tamassce, it will be necessary to hold a longer session Friday, so all should go to conference prepared to remain through the entire session until final adjournment. This is election year, and important businers matters demand attention. The hostess chapters will entertain at luncheon Friday, and it is hoped all will remain. Committee meetings will be as follows: Credentials, Miss Commenna Shearer, chairman; messanine floor, Hotel Calhoun, 3 p.

m. Wednesday, other days entrance 10 the church; executive committee, church parlors, 2 p. committee chairman, 3 p. with executive board: Tamassee board, 3:30 church parlors. MRS.

ALICE BURDETTE SERVICES AT UNION (Special to The Record) UNION, Feb. services for Mrs. Alice Burdette, 78, who died night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. H.

Montgomery, were held Monday morning, conducted by the Rev. Carl G. Campbell, pastor of the First Baptist church of Union. Interment followed in Rosemont cemetery. Ira Burdette of Lockhart, a son, and Mrs.

D. H. Montgomery, of Union, survive. LIQUOR LICENSE ISSUED The state ax commiksioner today issued a retail liquor license to Robert W. Ragedale and James Douglass for a -tore.

on Con: street in Winnsboro. Applications for retail licenses were received from Henry John for a store at 60 Calhoun CharlesDressing, com Phillip E. for a store at 705 Green street. Greenville. the shortening of the normal nine weeks' term to eight weeks' restdence, since classes will meet six days each week.

terested in renewing Teachers who are primarily, incates may attend the Arst six weeks and use the credits earned for that purpose, subject to the regulations of the state board of education. Fees will be on the same basis as heretofore and expenses for the six weeks' certification course will be proportionally arranged. Both sessions will be educational. Both of the institutions will open June 8 and close July 31. Makes You Forget You Have FALSE TEETH No longer does any wearer of false teeth need to be annoyed or feel Ill at ease.

FASTEETH, 'A new Improved powder. sprinkled on your plates will hold them firm and comfortable. No gummy, gooey taste or feeling. Gums and mouth will not get sore. Avoid embarrassment.

Get FASTEETH from any good druggist. the Making it great adventure Screen's it will be CA 01000 Sabatini Starring FLYNN DE HAVILLAND NOW PLAYING Carolina.

The Columbia Record from Columbia, South Carolina (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.